Saturday, 3 March 2012

Jo LB - Ghost Birds Meeting Friday 2nd March

Ghost Bird Meeting 02/03/12


Been to Plymouth Museum to look at how they display them to look as if they are flying.

Done text and put it in a dummy book, going to use a type font to simulate a filed diary similar to the one in the Scott exhibition (Edward Wilsons Diary)

Also been to Exeter Museum to draw other birds and has started work on flat plans.

Has got a white board set up especially for this project to timetable what needs to be done and when.  Is finding that really useful.

Target for next week – Going to finish flat plan for 2nd book and going to put 1st booklet together for next week.


Typed up Dummy book and settled on lay out.  Using this method she has been able to come up with more ideas for pop ups and is trying out some new forms.

Has made several versions of bird wings to try and get the winds to move in the right way.  Has also made a nest in a termite mound which grows upwards as you pull it.

 Has been in the print room creating further monotype textures which she has been adapting in photoshop.

Made a photoshop collaged bird using her feather monotypes.

Target for next week – is starting in pop up finals which will then be inserted into final spreads.


Been drawing birds at the museum.  This has helped him understand how birds are put together. 

Target for next week – Has noticed that his portrayals of the birds are taking on a more realistic form and wants to finish the pages in his sketchbook over the next week and then use these sketches to get good poses from the birds for his final images.


Has made transfer prints onto a bag and onto some shrinkies paper from which she has made pendant necklaces to sell at the RSPB fundraiser.

The shapes were discussed as to how they should be presented, cut close to bird shapes, white round the edge or into an oval or circle etc.  Everyone had a different opinion – Meg is going to discuss this with Tom B.

Target for next week – going to burn birds onto wood scraps to make more jewellery pendants and develop images and methods for screen prints onto totebags and T shirts.


Trying to resolve the Norfolk Pigeon images.

He is continuing with the Maori theme.  He is looking to develop the theme without loosing the identity of the bird so does not want to stylise too far.

Has done (an epic) pencil design using trompel’oile effects to echo carved wood.

Target for next week – He is going to develop this image and decide on a palette for this by next week.


Has made progress on layouts for lithograph prints in pencil.

Vivvienne Scwartz has suggested using ring binding to allow the pages to lie flat.  The group agree that this would be a good idea

Target for next week – to start printing and to finish pugs, fish and frogs to go with prints,


Has been experimenting in the dark room using images drawn onto acetate and then developing these onto photographs both in negative and positive looking at the effects of the various combinations. This has helped her see how she could develop this technique further.

Has done flat plan but may revisit this and develop the order of the imagery further.  Jo suggested that Laura Rosser had a very good book about folded paper books and that she might get some different shape ideas from that. 

Target for next week – Josie was going to go and see Laura Book and go back to the dark room to perfect her images she had started this week.


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